
Creating Websites and Overall Thoughts

Creating websites is something that is very important when developing your professional portfolio. In this blog, I will teach you how to create a website and all the tips and tricks in perfecting it. In addition, you will read about how much I've improved my professional skillsets over the past few months by attending Stockton University.  Specific Website Builders Before you start building a website, you might want to decide on what website to actually do it on. Squarespace, Wix, Weebly, and Shopify are well-developed sites that are very easy to use for a beginner. In addition, a fast website builder on the market is SITE123 in which you have to pay for, monthly. Ultimately, each site has its own pros and cons and will cater to your own personal needs. Squarespace, a site that offers personal ($12 a month) and business websites which allow for small customization options along with the opportunity for beginners.  Wix, one of the most popular website builders allows users to creat

Interview Tips and Impressing Employers

Interviews are incredibly difficult when you haven't prepared or research anything about the company. If you do the research and put in the work to actually look up the company or business, you will definitely have a higher chance of hearing back from the employer.  Interview Questions A lot of employers like asking interview questions that are designed to trick you . The questions seem super simple and easy at first, but those questions are usually the ones that allow for the employers to gain the most information from you. The questions are also worded in a way that enables the employers to learn more information about you as a whole person and can learn inconsistencies if there are any. For example, a question an employer could ask is "how would you describe yourself in one word?". This question is incredibly difficult because the one word will tell employers how you are as a person through your personality type and whether or not you are a good fit for the job. The re

Augmented Reality in Different Settings, Proper Email Etiquette, and Scientific American

Augmented reality is on the rise and it is evolving technology by allowing individuals to look through a lens and make it as if all the effects of it were real. This new technology can work in an abundance of ways in which could facilitate the learning of new diseases and even advance other disciplines at the same time.  Augmented Reality in the Hospital     With some of the latest medical advances within the last couple of decades being diagnostic imaging such as ultrasonography, mammography, computerized tomography (CT), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), doctors are able to process the severity of the case within a few hours. With that being said, augmented reality (AR) is something that would help doctors out because it would show the physical world on a virtual screen so that the doctor can try as many times on the screen as they want without failing. However, the flaw with this is that they would have to do it in a timely manner due to the time crunch of the actual patient on

Presentation Tips and Building Professional Relationships through Social Media

Presentation Tools and Related Information Presenting information to an audience is incredibly difficult when you don't know what you're doing or when you're nervous. I know many of us have been scared and nervous to present a topic in front of a lot of people, but how can we improve our presentations to make it seem more attractive to the viewers? Personally, I don't really present my information well enough, but maybe that's just because I don't practice enough, or I just don't know how to create the presentation.      The amount of mistakes I make in terms of designing my presentation is not appealing at all. Since I am not as artistic or creative as others, my presentation slides and information being presented are usually bland and not as exciting compared to others. I learned that to have a nice presentation that will attract viewers, I have to keep it sweet and concise . There's a lot of people that see my presentation and is immediately drawn awa

The Effects of Social Media on Society, Writing in APA, and a Guest Speaker

Society today is much different than it was 50 or so years ago. Technology has advanced society so far that we don't even know what we're signing up for at times. There is a chance that you may have clicked on something that could track you, and you didn't even know it. As technology keeps advancing through the coming years, society is in a little more trouble every year. On the contrary, not all technology is necessarily bad, there are a lot of new advancements that immensely benefit society today.  The Social Dilemma      Overall, after watching The Social Dilemma on Netflix , I felt as if everything that was manufactured by a tech company was watching me and staring into my soul while I swiped away on my phone, computer, or tablet. I didn't know that much about the technology world until I watched this movie because of how much social media manipulated people. From the beginning of the movie, people that used to work for social media or tech companies explained how t

The Effects of Posting on Social Media

           Social media is one of the best tools in the world. However, it comes with many flaws that may affect an individual's career with anything they post. Your digital footprint is something that follows you everywhere, whether you like it or not.  Digital Footprint     Everyone has a digital footprint when posting, sharing, or liking information on social media. This digital footprint cannot be deleted, no matter how many times you think you delete it, it will still be there forever. Learning about managing your digital footprint can greatly improve how you go about on the internet. To do so, you must learn about digital citizenship, which is basically to be kind, helpful, and understanding toward others. It's essentially, treat others how you would want to be treated.      Another way of managing your digital footprint is to look yourself up and see what you can find. In class, we were told to look up our names, and I found out that my name was written in more than 4 a

Synergistic Elements of Google

Google Chrome Extensions                The internet can be used in many different ways which can be used to search for anything and everything. I didn't really realize how much was on Google until I had class the other day and we went into some depth about the different features such as Google extensions, Google newspapers, and Google alerts. A lot of the stuff that is posted on the internet is pretty much irreversible in terms of your digital footprint because when something is put out on the internet, anyone can view it at any time. When I added the chrome extension chrome remote desktop , I literally could go on my phone at school and see what I was browsing on my home computer screen. It was super helpful and easy to use because of the portability. Like what we mentioned in class, the extension makes it possible to pick up where you left off if you were to travel incredibly far from your at-home desktop.       Additionally, another extension that I found was interesting was th